Feature Explained: Share Button

Share exactly what you're looking at in the Catalog Widget

Add a Share button to your widget so that you, your sales channel, and your website visitors will be able to share the link to exactly what they’re looking at in the Catalog Widget with anyone!

Remember the article about email marketing ideas for your Widget? This makes it even easier to customize the content you send! Use the share button instead of adjusting the parameters in the URL.

By clicking the Share button at the bottom of the page and copying the link that appears you can share exactly what you are looking at.  There is no longer a need to screenshot your view or spend time walking someone through the inputs to use!


share button

How do you turn it on?

All you need to do is go to your Widget portal, go to Settings>>Display Options, and click the Yes option button next to Show Share Button. Don't forget to click save at the top. 


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