Email Marketing Ideas and Talking Points

Three email marketing ideas you can start using today to promote your Encentivizer Catalog Widget.

You can now use the share button to populate links to your widget!

Based on your feedback, we've put together a few examples of how you can promote your Widget through email campaigns. You can click on each email template image below and download the pdf to print it. Instructions are included in each pdf. Get started now!


Basic Widget

Promote that you're featuring your products with rebates on your website!

March Widget Current Customers Email Templates(2)


Single Product

Pre-format your Widget link using the share button to display a product that you're trying to promote.


March Widget Current Customers Email Templates(3)


Targeted Rebates

Let your visitors know what the utilities in their area are offering for one of your product lines.


March Widget Current Customers Email Templates(4)


Did you know that distributors are the most active users of the Encentivizer™ Widget? We put together a few of the major benefits of using the Encentivizer™ Widget for you to discuss with your distributors!



1. They can save a lot of time by not having to navigate complicated utility programs to see if your products are rebate eligible.

2. The Widget is an easy way to include rebate values when trying to sell LEDs. Helping the distributor reduce the upfront cost of energy efficiency to the consumer.

3. They get instant access to the information when they need it – 24 hours per day.

4. Access to all the key specs for your entire product catalog.

5. They can go directly to the utility rebate program from the Widget so they can start the submission process.

*BONUS* 6th Tip for Premium Widget Subscribers: Access to downloading your product cut sheets and a screenshot of the QPL listing right from the Widget!