Encentiv Widget jQuery API

Run an API call on each product page where the user will just need to make any appropriate selections and enter their zip code to get a rebate estimate on the page.


Script tag

NOTE needed only if you use it as a standalone script

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.encentivizer.com/widgets/ee/ee_widget_api.js"></script>

required parameters

Name Value
token Widget Token
search DLC / Energy Star Model Number / Product ID / Display Name
prewatts Existing Wattage, optional for initialization, MUST be positive
prehours Existing Hours, optional for initialization, MUST be positive

regular browser integration

var ee_api = new EEWidgetAPI({
    token: 'WIDGET_TOKEN', search: 'SEARCH_QUERY', prewatts: 000, prehours: 0000

RequireJS integration

require(["jquery", "ee_widget_api"], function($) {
    var ee_api = new EEWidgetAPI({
        token: 'WIDGET_TOKEN', search: 'SEARCH_QUERY', prewatts: 000, prehours: 0000


1. Settings

This method is used to update the base settings for widget API

required parameters

Name Value
token Widget Token
search DLC / Energy Star Model Number / Product ID / Display Name
prewatts Existing Wattage, MUST be positive
prehours Existing Hours, MUST be positive


    token: 'WIDGET_TOKEN', search: 'SEARCH_QUERY', prewatts: 000, prehours: 0000

2. Categories

This method is used to fetch available categories


ee_api.categories().done(function(data) {


        name: "DLC/Energy Star Category"
        prehours: 0000
        prewatts: 0000
        value: "Encentivizer Category Abbreviation"

3. Utilities

This method is used to fetch available utility ids (rendered html options) based on zip provided

required parameters

Name Value
(token) (Widget Token, MUST set through initialization/settings)
zip Zipcode

optional parameter

Name Value
format 'json'


ee_api.utilities({ zip: 00000 }).done(function(data) {

ee_api.utilities({ zip: 00000, format: 'json' }).done(function(data) {


<option value="...">...</option>
<option value="...">...</option>


        program: 'PROGRAM_NAME',
        utilities: [
                id: 0000,
                name: 'UTILITY_NAME',
                eiacode: "00000",
                state: 'XX',
                commercialrate: 0.0,
                program_name: 'PROGRAM_NAME'

4. Rebates

This method is used to fetch rebates based on zipcode and utility provided

required parameters

Name Value
(token) (Widget Token, MUST set through initialization/settings)
(search) (DLC / Energy Star Model Number / Product ID / Display Name, MUST set through initialization/settings)
(prewatts) (Existing Wattage, MUST set through initialization/settings)
(prehours) (Existing Hours, MUST set through initialization/settings)
zip Zipcode
utility Utility ID
midstream true:false (Optional parameter, if omitted, false)


ee_api.rebates({ zip: 00000, utility: 0000 }).done(function(data) {


    data: [{
        caps: [],
        cct: "0",
        classification: "DLC-Premium" / "DLC-Standard" / "EnergyStar",
        control_rebate: "$0",
        cutsheet_link: "https://",
        dlc_cutsheet_link: "http://",
        efficacy: 0,
        has_integral_controls: "YES" / "NO",
        image_link: "http://",
        lumen: 0.00,
        manufacturer_rebate: "$0",
        more_info: "http://",
        notes: "N/A",
        product: "XXXXX-XXXXX",
        product_category: "",
        product_description: "",
        product_id: "",
        product_page_link: "https://",
        product_type: "",
        rebate: "$0",
        units: "",
        wattage: 0.0,
    }, ...],
    input_errors: [],
    program_rebate_cap: ""