Encentiv Rebate Finder Attributes

This article documents how the Rebate Finder can be passed arguments and settings via HTML attributes and URL arguments.

Catalog-Mode Landing Page Customization

While the Encentiv Rebate Finder by default serves up your entire product catalog, it can be configured as a customized landing page to highlight a product category, a family of products, a single product or any of those combined with a specific utility rebate program.

URL Customization in Catalog Mode

The Rebate Finder can be controlled by setting parameters in the host page URL to set the filters to default values that will affect the tool on page load. For example:


Parameter name Values Effect
populate 1 Instructs the widget to look for default filter values
ee_widget_category Encentiv category abbreviations Set the product category filter, see Appendix
ee_widget_zip Valid Zip or Postal Code Sets the zip/postal code
ee_widget_state Valid two-letter state code Sets the state filter
ee_widget_product_search Model number or partial model number as listed with DLC or Energy Star Sets the search filter
ee_widget_utility Internal utility number Sets the utility. Must be paired with zip or state code. Not required, but for zip codes that have multiple utilities can be helpful
ee_widget_eiacode Utility EIA Another way to set the utility. Must be paired with zip or state code. Not required, but for zip codes that have multiple utilities can be helpful
ee_widget_program_type "prescriptive" or "midstream" Sets the program type
ee_widget_wattage_controlled Number Sets the wattage controlled on NLC widgets
ee_widget_btuh_range "0-64999" or "65000-9999999" Sets the BTUH range for HVAC widgets
ee_widget_modelnum_pattern Regular expression matching on model number Locks widget to models that match pattern (may require URL % encoding with encodeURIComponent())

HTML attribute customization in Catalog Mode

The landing page functionality of the Rebate Finder can also be controlled via attributes on the tag that hosts the tool on the page. Typically, Rebate Finder host pages contain a line of HTML like:

<div id="ee_widget_container" data-token="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"></div>

Additional attributes can be added to this line to various effect:

HTML attribute name Values Effect
data-dlc-abbr Product category abbreviations Inits widget to a single product category, removes product category filter, see Appendix
data-model-display blank,dlc_only,variants_only Sets the source of model numbers to display
data-modelnum-pattern Regular expression matching on model number Locks widget to models that match the pattern
data-custom-identity Up to 128 characters Passes data through to reports
data-product-group Product group that set via either widget portal or API Locks widget to models that belong to that group
data-scroller-height The height of the scrollable portion of the widget Overrides the default scrollable height
data-no-cookie product,geo,stream Disables cookie use for the related filters
data-record-usage-when blank,visible Delays recording usage until widget object would be visible. Useful when hidden until user action is required. Otherwise, usage recording begins when widget is initialized on page

To lock the tool to only the Fuel Pump Canopy category and the NP family the HTML line could look like:

<div id="ee_widget_container" data-token="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" data-dlc-abbr=”FPC” data-modelnum-pattern=”^NP”></div>

Custom Identity

There are 2 ways to set up the custom identity for widgets.
for the simplest setup, window.eecustomidentity can be set in a separate script tag before the script tag of the widget loading script. It doesn’t matter where are these 2 script tags (, ), as long as the custom identity script tag comes first.

<script type=“text/javascript”>
window.ee_custom_identity = “”;
<script type=“text/javascript” src=“https://cdn.encentivizer.com/widgets/widget_base.js“></script>

just add it to the div container as a data attribute

<div data-custom-identity=“”>

[NOTE] it is not recommended to use both at the same time but window.eecustomidentity takes precedence over data-custom-identity.

Turn off default caching

The Rebate Finder has a default caching feature that allows users to pick up their search when they return to the page. This feature can be turned off by using a comma-separated list of cookie types as a data attribute on the div tag. Cookie-type mapping can be found below.


<div id="ee_widget_container" data-token="..." data-no-cookie="geo,product,stream"></div>

Cookie Type mapping


  • Product Category / Subcategory
  • Existing Wattage
  • Existing Hours
  • Product Search
  • Wattage Controlled (CTRL Only)
  • Btuh Range (HVAC Only)


  • Zip Code
  • State
  • Utility


  • Program Type


Product Categories

Technology Abbreviation Name
  NONL Non-Listed
CTRL ADEC Advanced Digital Economizer Controls
CTRL ARC Advanced Rooftop Control
CTRL ARCV Advanced Rooftop Control, VFD
CTRL ARCVD Advanced Rooftop Control, VFD + DCV
CTRL ARCVE Advanced Rooftop Control, VFD + ECZR
CTRL DAY Daylight Control
CTRL DCGV Demand Control Garage Ventilation
CTRL DCKV Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation
CTRL DCIV Demand Control Ventilation
CTRL DCVE Demand Control Ventilation + Economizer
CTRL DBECZR Dry-Bulb Economizer
CTRL DEECZR Dual Enthalpy Economizer
CTRL EMS Energy Management System
CTRL ERV Energy Recovery Ventilation
CTRL EECZR Enthalpy Economizer
CTRL HRV Heat Recovery Ventilation
CTRL MULTI Multifunction Control
CTRL NLC Networked Lighting Controls
CTRL OCC Occupancy Control
CTRL PC Photocell Control
CTRL PT Programmable Thermostat
CTRL SWC Switching Control
CTRL TIM Time Clock Control
CTRL UVGI Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation
CTRL VAC Vacancy Control
CTRL VAV Variable Air Volume Terminal
CTRL WECZR Water-Side Economizer
CTRL WIFIT WiFi-Enabled Thermostat
EV EFL1 Class 1 Electric Forklift
EV EFL2 Class 2 Electric Forklift
EV EFL3 Class 3 Electric Forklift
EV ETT6 Class 6 Electric Tow Tractor
EV EFL Electric Forklift
EV EVEVC Electric Vehicle + EV Charger
EV EVB Electric Vehicle, Bicycle
EV EVC Electric Vehicle, Car
EV EVG Electric Vehicle, General
EV EVM Electric Vehicle, Motorcycle
EV EVO Electric Vehicle, Other
EV EVSB Electric Vehicle, School Bus
EV EVT Electric Vehicle, Truck
EV EVCG EV Charger, General
EV HFBC High-Frequency Battery Charger
EV EVIC Infrastructure Cost
EV EVC1 Level 1 EV Charger
EV EVC2 Level 2 EV Charger
EV EVC3 Level 3 DC Fast Charger
FAN CF Circulation Fans
FAN HVLS High-Volume Low-Speed (HVLS) Fans
FAN VF Ventilation Fans
HVAC ACSSAC Air Cooled Split System Air Conditioner
HVAC ACUAC Air Cooled Unitary Air Conditioner (Packaged)
HVAC ACVRFAC Air Cooled Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioner
HVAC ASSSHP Air Source Split System Heat Pump
HVAC ASUHP Air Source Unitary Heat Pump (Packaged)
HVAC ASVRFHP Air Source Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump
HVAC ACCFC Air-Cooled Centrifugal Chiller
HVAC ACRPC Air-Cooled Reciprocating Chiller
HVAC ACRTC Air-Cooled Rotary Chiller
HVAC ACSWC Air-Cooled Screw Chiller
HVAC ACSLC Air-Cooled Scroll Chiller
HVAC DMSAC Ducted Mini-Split Air Conditioner
HVAC DMSHP Ducted Mini-Split Heat Pump
HVAC DLMSAC Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner
HVAC DLMSHP Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump
HVAC ECVRFAC Evap Cooled Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioner
HVAC ECSSAC Evaporatively Cooled Split System Air Conditioner
HVAC ECUAC Evaporatively Cooled Unitary Air Conditioner (Packaged)
HVAC GSSSHP Ground Source Split System Heat Pump
HVAC GSUHP Ground Source Unitary Heat Pump (Packaged)
HVAC PTAC Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC)
HVAC PTHP Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP)
HVAC WCSSAC Water Cooled Split System Air Conditioner
HVAC WCUAC Water Cooled Unitary Air Conditioner (Packaged)
HVAC WCVRFAC Water Cooled Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioner
HVAC WSSSHP Water Source Split System Heat Pump
HVAC WSUHP Water Source Unitary Heat Pump (Packaged)
HVAC WSVRFHP Water Source Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump
HVAC WCCFC Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chiller
HVAC WCMBC Water-Cooled Magnetic Bearing Chiller
HVAC WCRPC Water-Cooled Reciprocating Chiller
HVAC WCRTC Water-Cooled Rotary Chiller
HVAC WCSWC Water-Cooled Screw Chiller
HVAC WCSLC Water-Cooled Scroll Chiller
LED LA14 1x4 Luminaires for Ambient Lighting of Interior Commercial Spaces
LED LA22 2x2 Luminaires for Ambient Lighting of Interior Commercial Spaces
LED LA24 2x4 Luminaires for Ambient Lighting of Interior Commercial Spaces
LED AFS Architectural Flood and Spot Luminaires
LED B Bollards
LED CM Ceiling Mount
LED DC Display Case Luminaires
LED DLCS DLC Specialty
LED DR Downlight Recessed
LED DSSR Downlight Solid State Retrofit
LED DSM Downlight Surface Mount
LED LRL8 Eight-Foot Linear Replacement Lamps
LED ES Exit Sign
LED PBRL4 Four Pin-Base Replacement Lamps for CFL
LED LRL4 Four-Foot Linear Replacement Lamps
LED FPC Fuel Pump Canopy Luminaires
LED HBA High-Bay Aisle Luminaires
LED HB High-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
LED HRC Horizontal Refrigerated Case Luminaires
LED HGL Horticultural Grow Luminaire
LED ISSL Inseparable SSL - Other
LED IRKLA14 Integrated-Style Retrofit Kits for 1x4 Luminaires
LED IRKLA22 Integrated-Style Retrofit Kits for 2x2 Luminaires
LED IRKLA24 Integrated-Style Retrofit Kits for 2x4 Luminaires
LED LAFSL Landscape/Accent Flood and Spot Luminaires
LED LAD Linear Ambient Luminaires: Direct
LED LAI Linear Ambient Luminaires: Indirect
LED LB Low-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
LED AR Outdoor Pole/Arm-Mounted Area and Roadway Luminaires
LED D Outdoor Pole/Arm-Mounted Decorative Luminaires
LED OPM Outdoor Post-Mount
LED WA Outdoor Wall-Mounted Area Luminaires
LED PG Parking Garage Luminaires
LED PDTL Portable Desk Task Light
LED RLFPC Replacement Lamps for Fuel Pump Canopy Luminaires
LED RLHB Replacement Lamps for High-Bay Luminaires
LED RLLB Replacement Lamps for Low-Bay Luminaires
LED RLAR Replacement Lamps for Outdoor Pole/Arm-mounted Area and Roadway Luminaires
LED RLD Replacement Lamps for Outdoor Pole/Arm-mounted Decorative Luminaires
LED RLWA Replacement Lamps for Outdoor Wall-Mounted Area Luminaires
LED RLPG Replacement Lamps for Parking Garage Luminaires
LED RPDTL Residential Portable Desk Task Light
LED RKLA14 Retrofit Kits for 1x4 Luminaires for Ambient Lighting of Interior Commercial Spaces
LED RKLA22 Retrofit Kits for 2x2 Luminaires for Ambient Lighting of Interior Commercial Spaces
LED RKLA24 Retrofit Kits for 2x4 Luminaires for Ambient Lighting of Interior Commercial Spaces
LED RKLAD Retrofit Kits for Direct Linear Ambient Luminaires
LED RKFPC Retrofit Kits for Fuel Pump Canopy Luminaires
LED RKHB Retrofit Kits for High-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
LED RKLB Retrofit Kits for Low-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings



Retrofit Kits for Outdoor Pole/Arm-Mounted Area and Roadway Luminaires



Retrofit Kits for Outdoor Pole/Arm-Mounted Decorative Luminaires



Retrofit Kits for Outdoor Wall-Mounted Area Luminaires



Retrofit Kits for Parking Garage Luminaires






Stairwell and Passageway Luminaires



Three-Foot Linear Replacement Lamps



Track or Mono-Point Directional Luminaires



Traffic Signals



Two-Foot Linear Replacement Lamps



U-Bend Replacement Lamps



Under Cabinet Shelf Mounted Task Light



Vertical Refrigerated Case Luminaires



Wall-Wash Luminaires



Agriculture VFD






Industrial/Process VFD



Recreational VFD