Query utilities for program information and incentive rates
1. Query utilities
Base URL: GET /api/v3/utilities.json
URL Parameters:
Name | Description |
state | Two-letter state or province code |
zip | Zipcode |
name | Utility name |
page | Pagination |
If you specify more than one type of search query, only the most specific will be used.
The order from least to most specific is
will return only the utilities in the zip code 15213.But if you specify wrong combination of a search query, empty array will be returned.
GET /api/v3/utilities.json?state_abbv=PA
GET /api/v3/utilities.json?zip=15213
GET /api/v3/utilities.json?name=Duquesne%20Light%20Co
"name": Utility Name,
"state": "XX",
"country": "US",
"commercialrate": nn.nn
"industrialrate": nn.nn
"residentialrate" : nn.nn
"eiauniq": "XXXXX",
"nonrescustomers" : nnnnn
"status": "Open" | "Closed" | "Partial" | "Not Currently Accepting Applications" |
"Waitlist" | "Funds Low" | "In Transition" | "Preview",
"technologies": Technologies Supported By Utility Program
2. Retrieve additional program information
Base URL: GET /api/v3/utilities/[eiauniq].json
URL Parameters:
Name | Description |
eiauniq | Unique identifier for utility operating company |
GET /api/v3/utilities/01167-MD.json
GET /api/v3/utilities/program_status.json?state_abbv=MD&eiacode=01167
"name": utility name
"state": "XX",
"country": "US",
"commercialrate": nn.nn
"industrialrate": nn.nn
"residentialrate" : nn.nn
"eiauniq": "XXXXX",
"nonrescustomers" : nnnnn
"status": "Open" | "Closed" | "Partial" | "Not Currently Accepting Applications" |
"Waitlist" | "Funds Low" | "In Transition" | "Preview",
"technologies": Technologies Supported By Utility Program
"vfd_equipment_options" : List of equipment types
3. Rebate
Base URL: GET /api/v3/utilities/[eiauniq]/rebate.json
URL Parameters:
Name | Description |
eiauniq | Unique identifier for utility operating company |
technology | Tech identifier |
productid,modelnumber,productcategory_id | Select one identifier |
operating_hours | Hours per year |
horsepower | HP |
equipment_type | VFD equipment type |
stream | Prescriptive or Midstream rebate type |
auto_control | VFD auto control option |
GET /api/v3/utilities/01167-MD/rebate.json?product_category_id=HVAC&equipment_type=FAN&horsepower=5&stream=PRESCRIPTIVE&auto_control=FALSE&operation_hours=4000
"rebate": rebate value
"unit": basis of rebate,
"notes": utility notes,
"program_code": utility rebate indentifier (optional)